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human factors

to create a greater user experience

Human Factors and Product Usability

With a specialist team of designers, engineers and ergonomists, we bring all these skills experiences and knowledge together, blending innovative and methodical approaches to resolve complex technical obstacles with a focus on enriching the experience of the user.

By having a deeper understanding of the connection between the product, people who will use it and the environment it is used in, we’re able to integrate this information into creating an all-round better design.

It's all about context

One of the biggest impacts on how a product is used is the environment within its used. Working together with you and your target audience, we’ll gain as much insight as possible into your product’s intended use. This research will reveal key information concerning un-met user needs, which presents an opportunity to quickly gauge ideas and challenge key decisions along the way.

Integrated iterative process

3D CAD drawings and scaled models often form a basis for the design. 4D Products love to create physical mock-ups of the concepts we are producing as quickly as we can. Early detection is critical to ensure that any additional insights can be incorporated into the final design seamlessly without hampering the usability.

Evaluating with evidence

Comprehensive testing assesses how safe, effective and efficient your newly developed product is and whether it can be used by its intended audience properly.

Typically performed throughout the design process and at the end, it’s so important that this stage of the process is done right, as this helps to highlight any risks with your product, including and potential frustrations and negative feedback, which would seriously affect people’s perspective of not just the product, but the brand too.

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Case Studies

front render of the QGA 2.0

The QGA 2.0 Project – Hiden Analytical

lvl smart shields - header

LVL Smart Shields – Nouveau Lashes

KB Pro Glider banner

The KB Pro Glider – KB Pro

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Retractable Barrier System – Skipper

Vulcan Espresso Machine – Fracino

Fuel Monitoring System Handle Accessory – Fueltek

Human Factors in Product Design

The use of different techniques to determine human factors and usability traits throughout the design process means that the products we will help you to develop are safe, effective and used the way they should be.

Get a quote


Through targeted research, we will gain a thorough understanding of the factors that will deliver success for your project and your business.


Using idea generation techniques and our conceptual design skills, we will create a range of innovative designs for your consideration.


With a clear vision agreed, we will develop detailed 3D CAD models and supply high quality prototypes.


Utilising our in depth knowledge of manufacturing suppliers and processes, we will take your new design forward into manufacture, bringing new opportunities for your business.

Product Design Innovation Since 2008

Meet the team

“4D meshed seamlessly with our in house development engineers to deliver the project on time and within budget.”

The camera design that 4D Products came up with met all our requirements and more. They have helped us stay ahead of our competitors as we have been able to save 50% on enclosure manufacturing costs

Ian RamsdaleWireless CCTV

The fast turnaround and success of this project has now moved on to Invertek working with 4D on three new projects

Glyn JonesTechnical Director, Invertek

Working with 4D Products has been a pleasure from the outset. They were exceptional when it came to understanding our needs and getting to know our market...

Paul ScurrellTimecode Buddy’s founder and Director

How we work

Our creative Product Designers support the whole development process from idea right through to manufactured product.

Step 1

Get in touch with 4D and explain your requirements. We usually sign a Non Disclosure Agreement at this time.

Step 2

We’ll understand your requirements, write up a proposal which outlines the design process, costs and timeframes needed.

Step 3

We work very hard to deliver work that exceeds your expectations and delivers value to your business.

Step 4

Any Intellectual Property generated by 4D Products is owned by you.

We offer a staged approach to the development process, so you remain in control of your budget.

Get in touch

Talk to the design team today

Don’t be a stranger.

Call the design studio on 01925 607145

Email, or use the contact form below;

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