Designing a great product doesn’t mean it will be successful. It has to be presented to its target audience in an engaging manner, the benefits demonstrated, the value and usefulness explained. This is generically referred to as ‘marketing’ and it is a fine art to get it right.
One of our recent success stories in biomedical design is now being promoted by the low volume manufacturer of the product. They want to raise their profile within certain industries and win new business based on the success of the project. A PR article was produced and circulated to relevant industry magazines and publications because the readers are all potential customers. This is a great way to talk about what you do and how well you do it in a way that people actually engage with. Traditional adverts just don’t get the readers attention in the same way. We see too many of them every day. We would advise all people trying to sell a product to consider carefully crafted PR material as a good way to raise awareness, and hopefully sales!