4D Products welcomed a film crew into the studio earlier this week, as part of a crowdfunding campaign film for one of our clients. They have been developing an innovative 3D mouse / game controller, and are now seeking investment from crowdfunders so we can push the product forward to market. One of the keys to success is to show you have the skills needed to deliver the end product, so the backing of a product design company is of value in the pitch to your potential customers.
Crowdfunding was virtually unheard of a few short years ago, but now gets lots of attention in the press and by technology blogs and start up company’s Also larger company’s have found this to be a useful way to gauge customers reactions to a new product before it has been fully developed.
At 4D Products we welcome the chance to get involved in the development of innovative new products, so if anyone else out there is looking to team up with an experienced product design team for a crowdfunding project, it would be great to hear from you!