In today’s tech-driven world, portable devices are everywhere. From the smartwatch on your wrist to the handheld oscilloscope in an engineer’s toolkit, these gadgets have become indispensable.

But here’s the thing.

All this portability comes with a power predicament.

Did you know that in the UK, the portable electronics market is expected to reach £15.9 billion in 2023?

That’s a lot of devices, each with its own power demands.

The Power Struggle in Your Pocket, Toolbox, and Beyond

Whether it’s a medical device that needs to run for an entire shift or an environmental sensor that must operate for months in the field, the challenge remains the same.

How do we squeeze out every last drop of performance without leaving users high and dry?

As product designers, we’re constantly walking a tightrope. On one side, we have the need for powerful, feature-packed devices. On the other, the ever-present demand for longer battery life. It’s like trying to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool with a garden hose.

Every drop counts.

The Power-Hungry Culprits

So, what’s eating up all that precious battery life? Let’s break it down:

  1. Processors: The brains of our devices are always hungry. A high-performance microcontroller in a portable industrial computer might consume anywhere from 100mW to several watts under heavy load.
  2. Sensors: From accelerometers in fitness trackers to sophisticated spectrometers in portable lab equipment, sensors can be significant power drains. A typical MEMS sensor might use 1-10mW, which adds up quickly in sensor-rich devices.
  3. Connectivity: Whether it’s Bluetooth in a wireless earbud, Wi-Fi in a portable medical device, or LoRa in a remote environmental sensor, staying connected is a power-draining business. A LoRa module, for instance, might use 40mA when transmitting, which can be a big ask for a battery-powered device.
  4. Displays: Not all portable devices have screens, but for those that do, they’re often the biggest power hogs. An e-ink display in a portable data logger might sip power, using as little as 1mW, while a high-resolution LCD in a handheld gaming device could guzzle over 1W.
  5. Actuators and Motors: In devices like portable power tools or robotic systems, motors can be major power consumers. A small DC motor in a handheld vacuum might draw 10-20W during operation.

Understanding these power demands is crucial.

It’s not just about making the battery bigger. It’s about smart design choices that balance functionality with efficiency. After all, a portable device isn’t very portable if you need to lug around a car battery to power it!

portable medical device

Battery Tech – Powering the Portable Revolution

When it comes to batteries, it’s not one-size-fits-all. Different devices have different needs:

  • Lithium-ion: Still the go-to for many devices, offering 150-250 Wh/kg. Great for smartphones and laptops, but also finding use in power tools and medical devices.
  • Lithium Polymer: Flexible and lightweight at 130-200 Wh/kg, ideal for wearables and slim devices.
  • Nickel-Metal Hydride: Offering 60-120 Wh/kg, these are often used in high-drain devices like digital cameras and some power tools.
  • Lead-Acid: Despite lower energy density (30-50 Wh/kg), they’re still used in some rugged portable equipment due to their reliability and low cost.

In the UK, the battery market for portable electronics is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.5% from 2021 to 2026. This growth is driven by increasing demand across various sectors, from consumer electronics to industrial equipment.

PMICs Are The Unsung Heroes of Power Management

Power Management Integrated Circuits (PMICs) are the traffic cops of the electronics world. They direct power where it’s needed and cut it off where it’s not. Modern PMICs can improve overall system efficiency by up to 30%!

In a portable ultrasound device, for example, a sophisticated PMIC might manage multiple power domains, ensuring that the high-power components (like the transducer) only draw current when needed, while keeping low-power elements (like the display) running efficiently.

Voltage Regulators – The Efficiency Gatekeepers

Choosing between linear and switching regulators isn’t just an academic exercise – it can make or break your power budget.

  • Switching regulators: Typically boast efficiencies of 80-95%. Great for variable load conditions, like in a portable oscilloscope where power demands can fluctuate rapidly.
  • Linear regulators: Often struggle to break 50% efficiency, but they’re simple and produce less noise. Useful in sensitive measurement equipment where signal integrity is paramount.

portable speaker

Harvesting Power from the Environment

Energy harvesting is like finding spare change in your sofa cushions. Every little bit helps. It’s particularly exciting for IoT and remote sensing applications:

  • Solar: Modern photovoltaic cells can achieve efficiencies of up to 22% in consumer devices. Ideal for outdoor environmental sensors.
  • Kinetic: Harvesting energy from motion. A kinetic energy harvester in a fitness tracker might generate 5-10µW during normal activity.
  • Thermoelectric: Generating power from temperature differences. A thermoelectric generator could produce 10-100µW/cm² in industrial environments with waste heat.

Software Is The Silent Power Drain

Poorly optimised software can increase power consumption by up to 30%. That’s like leaving a third of your battery on the table!

For microcontroller-based devices, efficient firmware is crucial. Consider this pseudocode for a battery-powered sensor node:

while (1) {

    if (measurement_due()) {








This simple loop ensures the device spends most of its time in a low-power state, only waking when necessary.

The Heat is On With Thermal Management

Heat isn’t just uncomfortable – it’s inefficient. For every 10°C increase in operating temperature, the failure rate of electronic components roughly doubles.

In a rugged handheld device designed for field use, passive cooling solutions like heat spreaders and carefully designed enclosures can help maintain optimal operating temperatures without adding the weight and power drain of active cooling systems.

The Future is Bright (and Hopefully Long-Lasting)

The quest for better power management isn’t slowing down:

  • Solid-state batteries promise energy densities of up to 2.5x current lithium-ion batteries.
  • Advanced power semiconductors, like Gallium Nitride (GaN), are enabling more efficient power conversion.
  • AI-driven power management systems are learning to predict and optimize device usage patterns.

wireless headphones

Wrapping Up…The Power is in Your Hands

Balancing performance and battery life in portable devices is no small feat. It requires a holistic approach, considering everything from component selection to software optimisation.

Remember, in the UK, 73% of adults say battery life is a key factor when choosing a new portable device.

As designers, it’s our job to meet that expectation without compromising on the features and performance that make these devices indispensable.

So, the next time you’re designing a portable device, whether it’s a consumer gadget or a piece of specialised equipment, think of it as an efficiency puzzle. Every component, every line of code, every design decision is a piece of that puzzle.

Get it right, and you’ll have a device that not only performs well but keeps on performing long after the competition has run out of juice.

Now, isn’t that a powerful thought!
