Meeting the requirements of the ISO 9001 Standard ensures that your products or services consistently meet high standards, helping your business to develop, grow and prosper.

ISO standards are used by businesses and organisations all over the world to help with implementing an effective quality management system.

The key principles of the ISO Standard 9001 can be applied to all areas of business, from the design and development of new products to analysing data to aid decision making.

What are international standards?

ISO is the short name for the International Organisation for Standardisation.

The ISO is an independent international organisation that provides world-class specifications for the products, services and systems that we use every day.

International standards are used in almost every industry to ensure quality, safety and efficiency.

ISO 9000 standards

The set of standards that you may be most familiar with are those that fall into the ISO 9000 family. These standards help to control quality management for companies and organisations of all shapes and sizes all around the world.

This set of standards helps businesses and organisations to ensure that the products or services that they are providing meet ly high standards.

ISO 9001

Over one million companies and organisations in over 170 countries are ISO 9001 certified, making it the world’s most recognised quality management system standard.

Becoming ISO 9001 certified can help you to improve the products and services that you’re offering and grow and develop your business.

Gaining ISO 9001 certification is invaluable to businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes and is the only standard in the 9000 series that can be certified.

The latest version of ISO 9001 is ISO 9001:2015.

The ISO 9001 Advantage: Ensuring Quality in Your Product Design Journey

In today’s competitive market, picking the right product design agency can feel a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack. As you sift through an overwhelming number of options, one invaluable criterion can help you separate the wheat from the chaff: ISO 9001 certification.

For those of you not up-to-speed, ISO 9001 is an esteemed quality management standard, put forth by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). This globally recognised seal of approval underscores a few key principles: a robust customer focus, the engagement of top management, a process approach, and an emphasis on continual improvement.

But why should ISO 9001 certification matter to you? Glad you asked. Let’s dive in:

1. Consistent Quality: An ISO 9001-certified agency is akin to a gourmet chef who delivers a mouthwatering dish every single time. It’s a testimony to their ability to consistently produce work that meets customer and regulatory needs. In other words, with a certified agency, you’re in for a treat – high-quality design output, no exceptions.

2. Customer Satisfaction: Remember the old adage, “The customer is always right”? Well, ISO 9001 takes this sentiment to heart. Agencies with this certification continually strive to improve customer satisfaction, promising you not just a fantastic final product, but also an experience that leaves you smiling from ear to ear.

3. Continual Improvement: Perfection is a journey, not a destination. ISO 9001 agencies live by this mantra. They’re always hustling to fine-tune their processes and systems, fostering better products and higher productivity. So, rest assured, when you sign on with them, you’re boarding a train that only moves forward.

4. Risk Management: Ever wish you had a crystal ball to anticipate issues before they turned into full-blown disasters? ISO 9001 certified agencies come pretty close. Their risk-based thinking enables them to identify potential hiccups early in the process, minimising project risk. Breathe easy, these folks have got your back!

5. Robust Process Approach: There’s something comforting about predictability, isn’t there? ISO 9001 agencies swear by a strong process-oriented approach, ensuring all their processes are fully defined, measured, and controlled. The result? Smooth project execution and peace of mind for you.

6. Credibility and Trust: An ISO 9001 certification isn’t just another fancy acronym; it’s a badge of honour recognised worldwide. Partnering with a certified agency can boost your own credibility and trustworthiness, especially when you’re venturing into international or heavily regulated territories.

7. Regulatory Compliance: The last thing you need is a legal hiccup throwing a wrench in your plans. Luckily, ISO 9001 certification nudges agencies to meet legal and regulatory requirements, shielding you from potential legal pitfalls.

Remember, while ISO 9001 certification can offer these amazing benefits, it’s not the only box to tick off while choosing a product design agency. You should also pay attention to their portfolio, industry experience, the team’s skill set, and how well they understand your unique needs. All of these are equally, if not more, significant.

In essence, ISO 9001 certification is a shining beacon guiding you to agencies that are committed to quality, customer satisfaction, and continual improvement. So, when you’re navigating the vast sea of potential partners, let this prestigious certification light your way to the perfect match.

iso process

What does the ISO 9001:2015 entail?

The quality management standards as set out in ISO 9001:2015 are based on seven key quality management principles that can be applied to any organisation or company, these are:

  • Customer focus – understanding the needs of customers to meet their requirements and exceed expectations. Also includes managing customer relationships and measuring customer satisfaction.
  • Leadership – equipping leaders with the knowledge they require to establish a direction for the organisation or company, set goals and establish trust.
  • Engagement of people – getting everyone in the business or organisation involved and accountable in the quality management system through learning, knowledge sharing and evaluation of individual performance.
  • Process approach – breaking down your quality management system into smaller interlinked processes and systems which are easier to manage and measure.
  • Improvement – continually working towards improvement by reacting to internal and external changes and creating new opportunities.
  • Evidence-based decision making – continually monitoring, measuring, and analysing accurate and reliable data to aid your company or organisation’s decision-making process.
  • Relationship management – creating long and lasting relationships with your supplier network.

How to get ISO 9001 certified

To become ISO 9001 certified, an organisation or business must implement a Quality Management System that meets the requirements of the ISO 9001 Standard.

It is recommended that companies and organisations perform regular internal audits to review the performance and effectiveness of their quality management system.

Some companies and organisations are required by their industry to become ISO 9001 certified. Certification is awarded by an assessor or auditor from an external certification body.

The process for becoming certified usually goes as follows:

  • Complete the ISO 9001 Quality Manual.
  • Stage 1 audit by an assessor/auditor.
  • Any required changes are now made.
  • Stage 2 assessment by assessor/auditor.

ISO 9001 Design and Development Process

When it comes to designing and developing new products, ISO 9001 regulations require a specific process to be followed to ensure that quality standards are met.

At 4D Products we are ISO 9001 Quality Assured. All mechanical product design services that we provide meet the standards and requirements as set out in the ISO 9001 Standard.

Benefits of becoming ISO 9001 certified

Meeting the standards and requirements as set out by the ISO 9001 Standard helps companies and organisations to ensure that they are consistently offering high quality products and services and meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

The key principles of the ISO 9001 Standards can help your organisation or business to become efficient and successful whilst encouraging continual improvement.

Here are just some of the ways becoming ISO 9001 certified can help to better your business.

  • Improves the quality of your products and services.
  • Improves your business’ reputation and inspire trust.
  • Happier customers and improved relations with customers.
  • Provides management with a clear and efficient quality management process.
  • Provides the opportunity to tender for more business.
  • Reduces the number of returned products and customer complaints.
  • Introduces time saving processes to improve efficiency.
  • Identifies ways to reduce business costs.
  • Communicates a positive and motivating message to employees.